September 22, 2025 - September 24, 2025
09:00 - 16:00
The Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON), Topo-Badagry, Lagos.

It is a well known fact that the requirement of records cannot be over emphasized in an organization. Records are the lifeline of every organization thereby constitute a sensitive part of the organization which must be effectively harnessed.

 Everybody is responsible for the security and protection of electronic records over which he/she has control. It is of great importance to secure our records. If we do, we have in one way or the other secure our resources and reputation.

Documents, records, and reports are vital to the daily operation and financial survival of every business. That is why it’s so important to safeguard them from theft, fire, severe weather, or any other type of hazard that might occur in the workplace.


definition of records digitization and security;

identify reasons for records digitization and security;

list and explain the steps involve in Digitization of Records;

Itemize different ways to protect records; and

highlight the benefits and challenges of records digitization and security.

Adjunct Faculty

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